Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset
Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught our people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek the strength, not to be greater than my brother/sister but to fight my greatest enemy-myself
Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes
So that all that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
ShneppeTEWI (Blessings)
Hopi Prayer

Native American Prayer: My Journey through Hopi Prayer
Five years ago, when I first heard of Grandmother Medicine Song, I felt a deep calling towards the ancestral wisdom of the Hopis. For many years, I had been searching for a Native American teacher. I had a profound desire to explore their wisdom, to learn to pray as Native Americans do, and to share this spiritual connection with others. And so began my journey of learning with the Hopis, an adventure that transformed me. Since then, each day has been an opportunity to dive deeper into their spiritual heritage, to understand, for example, the profound meaning of their prayers. To share their teachings with those seeking truth and spiritual connection, with those dreaming forward to the 5th world (see blog article).
My Personal Story: A Quest for Spirituality
Born into a Catholic family, I was raised with the prayers of the Our Father and the Hail Mary. Yet, despite their familiarity, these prayers seemed distant, remote, unable to touch the sensitive cord of my soul. They were repeated recitations, words spoken without real connection, without awakening in me the depth of the heart I aspired to.
During a trip to Navajo land, at the age of ten, I had the opportunity to hear Native American prayers for the first time. These ancestral chants, carried by the breath of the wind and the beat of the drum, then ignited my heart with deep and immediate emotion. I felt the resonance of prayer throughout my being.
Something I could not find with the Our Father or the Hail Mary. Upon my return, this spiritual connection I had felt at the touch of Native American prayers made Catholic prayers even more distant.
It was only much later, through the discovery of Hopi prayer, that I finally found this desired connection. Native American prayer, imbued with simplicity and anchored in nature, touched my heart in a profound and authentic way. Every word, every gesture of this prayer resonated within me, lifting me to unsuspected spiritual heights. It allowed me to reconnect with my soul, to rediscover this inner harmony that had eluded me. Of course, this does not mean that Catholic prayers cannot offer this same connection, but for me, it required a longer journey, a deeper quest to achieve it.

The Medicine of Prayer among the Hopis
The Hopis maintain a deep relationship with prayer, considering it as a daily medicine that infuses every aspect of their existence. They pay homage to the earth, the sky, the four directions, and the spirits through their prayers, recognizing the sacredness of all forms of life. It is this deep connection with prayer that I expressed seeking among the Hopis in my first telephone conversation with Satya, whom I am apprenticing under. "I wish to learn the medicine of prayer," I confided to her. For the Hopis, prayer is not just a practice; it is a way of life.
The Power of Native American Prayer
Native American prayer is a powerful force that transcends the boundaries of space and time. It is woven into every aspect of the lives of indigenous peoples, offering healing, guidance, and spiritual connection. Prayer practices vary from tribe to tribe, but all share a deep respect for the earth and its inhabitants. Prayer is considered the strongest of medicines, capable of healing the ailments of the soul and the body.
Finding the Voice of the Ancestors
In this quest for truth and spiritual connection, I invite you to explore further the teachings of indigenous peoples and to discover the richness of Hopi spirituality on my website. Find the voice of the ancestors and let yourself be guided by the light of prayer and truth. Together, let us honor the wisdom of the ancestors and embrace the timeless beauty of prayer in our daily lives.