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Writer's pictureLorraine

Hopi wisdom and exploration of dimensions: 3D, 4D, and 5D

An inner journey

A few years ago, I embarked on an inner journey that led me to the heart of the Amazon jungle. There, among the plants and ancestral wisdom, I learned to connect with the invisible, navigate between worlds, and live in harmony with the spirit realm. I discovered what some call the 4D and 5D, dimensions where material reality seems to fade, giving way to indescribable serenity and fullness. However, this immersion in higher dimensions had consequences. Gradually, I deserted the 3D, the material reality in which we are incarnated. The challenges, responsibilities, and sufferings of this world seemed intolerable and pointless compared to the serenity of higher dimensions.

A drawing that represented a woman deeply communing with the Amazon rainforest. Surrounded by lush plants and the elements, she embodies the harmony between humanity and nature.
Communion with Nature

During my first encounter with Hopi teachings, and more specifically during my first exchange with Satya, she said to me: "You are incarnated in a body, so you must live your incarnation and create things in the material world." Her words still resonate with me. This statement puzzled me. What did she mean? I had just spent the last thirteen years of my life training to live in the Spirit world, talking to them, feeling them. Why, after finding faith and tranquility away from the world of the "Muggles," as my mother regularly reminded me, should I come back down to 3D? How could I, having found refuge in spiritual heights, anchor myself again in earthly reality? It seemed totally unreal and uninteresting to me.


Yet, over time and with the help of Satya, Grandmother Medicine Song, and probably also Jacques Mabit, I understood the profound wisdom of this message. Living in 3D, our physical reality, is not just an obligation but an opportunity for growth and balance. Our bodily existence is a constant journey between 3D, 4D, and 5D. The Hopis call the state in which they travel to reconnect with the Spirit world "daydream." However, before venturing into higher dimensions, it is crucial to have our feet firmly rooted in the earth.


Unfortunately, many Westerners in search of meaning, like me, get lost in higher dimensions without creating solid foundations in 3D. This can lead to psychological imbalances, not to mention the danger of taking psychoactive plants which increase disconnection from 3D. My own journey has taught me that integrating these dimensions requires a delicate balance, a harmonious dance between mind and body, between the visible and the invisible.


By sharing my experience, I hope to invite you to reflect on your own relationship with these different dimensions of existence. Together, let's explore how Hopi wisdom can guide us towards an enriching balance between 3D, 4D, and 5D.


The dimensions: 3D, 4D, and 5D


3D: The physical dimension and duality

3D, or the third dimension, represents our material reality, the one we perceive with our physical senses. It is the tangible world where our bodies exist, where we interact with objects and other human beings. In this dimension, we face the challenges of daily life, duality, intense emotions, and physical experiences. 3D is where we learn and evolve through concrete experiences, integrating the lessons of matter and temporality.


3D is also the world of duality and separation. It is here that individuality reigns, where we perceive ourselves as separate entities from one another. Life in 3D is marked by ego, mind, emotions, and survival. The differentiation between self and others creates conflicts, fears, and struggles. Conscious creation is difficult because we are not always aware of our creative power through our thoughts and emotions, making manifestation slow and often fluctuating.


4D: A bridge to 5D

4D, or the fourth dimension, acts as a bridge between 3D and 5D. In this dimension, consciousness begins to awaken to the idea that everything is connected and that reality goes beyond what we see. Thoughts become powerful and can influence perceived reality. Duality still exists, but it is accompanied by more compassion and understanding. There is an openness to the importance of diet, meditation, and a healthy lifestyle. There is a strong desire to find one's purpose and follow one's passions.


5D: The dimension of unity

In 5D, duality no longer exists. Polarity still exists, but light and shadow are integrated and balanced. Our consciousness is at the center, at zero point, where there is no longer separation or judgment. 5D is a world of unity, where we perceive others as extensions of ourselves. Everything is connected, and what happens to one affects all others. Creation is instantaneous and fluid, based on love rather than fear.


If you want to learn more about these levels of consciousness, I invite you to read the following article: in french

Drawing, rendered in white and gold tones on a white background, represents the 5D dimension, a realm of unity where others are seen as extensions of ourselves. Everything is connected, and what affects one impacts all, illustrating universal interconnectedness.
Universal unity

Hopi wisdom and dimensions


Hopi interpretation of 3D: Physical life and the present

For the Hopis, life in 3D is deeply rooted in respect for the earth and natural cycles. 3D represents the physical reality where we are incarnated in a body and live our daily lives. Hopi teachings emphasize the importance of living fully in the present moment, valuing each experience, and recognizing the beauty and lessons in difficulties. Connection to the earth, through rituals and agricultural practices, is essential to maintain a harmonious balance with the material world. The simple pleasures of life, such as sharing, community, and nature, are highly valued.


Hopi wisdom for 4D: Rituals, emotions, and natural cycles

4D, for the Hopis, is a space of transition and spiritual connection. Rituals and ceremonies play a crucial role in connecting individuals to natural cycles and the invisible forces that influence our reality. These practices allow navigation through emotions and thoughts, understanding their impact on physical reality, and maintaining the balance between mind and body. The Hopis teach that dreams and visions are powerful tools for exploring 4D and receiving guidance from the universe.

This visionary art drawing depicts a Hopi couple praying and making offerings in front of a cornfield, with the sun on the horizon. The scene exudes a deep sense of sacredness, highlighting the spiritual connection between the Hopi people, the earth, and the natural cycles.
Sacred offerings

Hopi vision of 5D: Spirituality, unity, and universal harmony

From the Hopi perspective, 5D is the dimension of unity and spiritual harmony. Hopi teachings emphasize connection with the All, the universe, and the interdependence of all things. 5D is seen as a heightened state of consciousness where unconditional love and universal wisdom predominate. Living in accordance with 5D principles means embracing compassion, generosity, and responsibility towards community and nature. For the Hopis, it is essential to remember that although we may aspire to this higher dimension, our incarnation in 3D requires us to anchor these spiritual values in our daily lives.


Balancing the dimensions according to Hopi wisdom

The Hopis teach that life is a constant dance between these dimensions. They use the concept of "daydream" to illustrate how we can travel between 3D, 4D, and 5D while staying grounded in our physical reality. The key lies in balance: having our feet firmly rooted in the earth (3D) while allowing our spirit to rise and be inspired by higher dimensions (4D and 5D). This balance is essential to avoid psychological imbalances and to live a fulfilled and harmonious life.


Honoring Hopi wisdom

Our existence is a constant journey between these dimensions. By understanding and integrating the lessons of each dimension, we can find a harmonious balance between the visible and the invisible, between the material and the spiritual. Hopi wisdom reminds us of the importance of being well-grounded in 3D before venturing into higher dimensions, thus ensuring healthy and balanced spiritual growth.


If you are inspired by the medicine of the hummingbird and wish to explore further the spiritual path of the Hopis, I invite you to visit our teachings page, book a drum healing session, or become a member of our community where we share these spiritual values and practices with respect and kindness. Together, let's honor ancient wisdom and journey towards a life enriched by sharing and gratitude.

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