My testimony
The teachings of Grandmother Medicine Song deeply inspire me. She often says, "We are not yet human" and "We must learn to be human." These words have always resonated with me, though their true meaning sometimes eluded me. However, during a recent morning prayer, their significance became clearer. Becoming human according to the Hopis goes beyond mere physical existence; it involves a profound spiritual transformation and a deep connection with our heart and the Creator.
It is an inner journey towards opening our vibratory centers (see article) ( see the teaching page of the vibratory centers) and maintaining this sacred connection, but it is also much more. It is a way of relating to others with non-judgment, openness, listening, and respect. It is a way of perceiving, feeling, and walking the world in harmony with the sacred geometry that governs all creation. It is also a practice of forgiveness, towards oneself and others, a release of past burdens to pave the way for a future filled with peace and harmony. It is a path to raise our vibratory centers and enter the Fifth World (see article).
The Hopi prophecy and the path to humanity
The Hopis possess a rich prophetic tradition, passed down through generations. One of these prophecies, shared by Lee Brown, a specialist in Hopi legends and prophecies, speaks of the notion of guardians of the elements and the reunion of the "Original Teachings" for the advent of a great civilization of peace.
According to this prophecy, the Great Spirit, the creative entity of the world, entrusted the four human races with sacred tablets containing essential teachings. Each race, guardian of a natural element, was to preserve this knowledge until the four peoples reunited and shared their teachings to establish an era of peace on Earth.
The Hopi prophecy traces the evolution of the Earth through different cycles: the mineral, the plant, the animal, and finally, the human. Currently, we are at the end of the animal cycle and on the threshold of the human cycle. This transition marks a crucial moment when humanity's greatest spiritual powers will be revealed.
The vision of Percy Lomaquahu
Percy Lomaquahu, a Hopi elder, said:
"We strive to be Hopi. We call ourselves Hopi because maybe one or two of us will become Hopi. Each person must look into their heart and make changes so that you may become Hopi when you reach your destination."
This statement emphasizes that becoming truly Hopi, and by extension, truly human, is a lifelong process. It is not enough to be born Hopi; one must learn to live according to Hopi teachings and values.
Integrating being into the heart
Becoming truly human, according to Hopi teachings, involves a profound spiritual transformation. This process requires us to integrate our being into our heart, preserving and cultivating our connection with the Creator. By keeping our vibrational centers open, we can walk as true humans, in harmony with ourselves, others, and the Earth.
This integration necessitates a daily practice of prayer, meditation, and contemplation. It also requires constant vigilance to live in accordance with the principles of respect, love, and compassion taught by the ancestors. By honoring these teachings, we contribute to the realization of the prophecy and the advent of a civilization of peace.
Balancing intellectual learning and heart-centered living
In our modern culture, we primarily strive for academic learning and professional success, often overlooking the importance of understanding what it takes to be truly human. Intellectual learning is a valuable tool, but living and leading with the heart concerns our true purpose—it is the deeper reason that motivates our actions.
Human skills, or soft skills, are essential: the ability to feel and act on empathy. Ancient societies, which we refer to as indigenous peoples, have known this since time immemorial. By developing these skills, we can hope to achieve true creativity, innovation, and adaptability.
Towards true humanity: A spiritual and collective journey
The path to true humanity is a spiritual and collective journey. It is not enough to be born human; we must learn to become human by integrating deep spiritual values and maintaining a constant connection with the Creator. The Hopi teachings remind us that this transformation is possible and necessary for the advent of an era of peace and wisdom. By engaging in this process, we can hope to realize our potential as true human beings, walking in harmony with the world and the universe.
To deepen your understanding of the teachings on vibrational centers and explore more of Hopi wisdom, visit our site.